Sales Management

Features Getting Started

Import Existing Deals

If you were already managing your sales data in another application or in a spreadsheet, and wish to transition to the Upvise Sales app, you can import the data for your existing Deals.

Goto the Sales web app, Deals section, Dashboard tab and click on the Upload cloud icon. Select a CSV or XLSX to upload from your local drive.

Spreadsheet Column format

The spreadsheet column names are formatted as follows:

id: (optional) this is a unique identifier of the Deal. If not present, the system automatically generates an identifier and creates a new deal. If present, the deal with this id gets updated.

name: name of the Deal

creationdate: start date of the Deal in DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format, depending on the Date Time format in your computer settings.

duedate: target date for closing the Deal, in DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format

status: text label "Open" or "Closed Won" or "Closed Lost"

stage: text label with the name of the stage. Example: "Incoming" "Qualified" "Quotation"

amount: numeric value for total dollar amount

probability: numeric value between 0 and 100

note: free text field

company: name of the linked company as listed in the Contacts app

contact: name(s) of linked contact(s) as listed in the Contacts app, separated by a ,

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