id: (optional) this is a unique identifier of the Deal. If not present, the system automatically generates an identifier and creates a new deal. If present, the deal with this id gets updated.
name: name of the Deal
creationdate: start date of the Deal in DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format, depending on the Date Time format in your computer settings.
duedate: target date for closing the Deal, in DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format
status: text label "Open" or "Closed Won" or "Closed Lost"
stage: text label with the name of the stage. Example: "Incoming" "Qualified" "Quotation"
amount: numeric value for total dollar amount
probability: numeric value between 0 and 100
note: free text field
company: name of the linked company as listed in the Contacts app
contact: name(s) of linked contact(s) as listed in the Contacts app, separated by a ,