Scan an Asset Barcode or QRCode
If you have an existing Asset barcode or QRCode, you can use it to speed up the inspection process
- Start an inspection on mobile
- Tap on the camera button in the toolbar and scan the barcode
- If the value encoded in the barcode matches the Asset ID field of one the assets to be inspected for the current insection,
The Inspection form will be started automatically
Required Setup
In order to link correctly an existing barcode or QRCode with the corresponding Asset in the Upvise Database
- The Asset ID field in the Asset Database must match the alphanumeric string displayed below the Barcode or QRCode
- For testing purposes, you can edit the asset on mobile or web and set its Asset ID to the alphanumeric barcode
- In production environment, make sure the Asset ID field in the Asset or Inspection Excel import Sheet matches the encoded value of you QRCode