Query Class Reference
Query against one record Query.selectId(table, id) Query.updateId(table, id, column, value) Query.deleteId(table, id) Query.insert(table, values) | Selecting multiple records Query.select(table, columns, where, orderby) Query.count(table, where) Query.options(table, where) Query.names(table, id) Query.search(table, search, columns, where) |
Modifying multiple records Query.update(table, values, where) Query.deleteWhere(table, where) | Archiving & Restoring (Web Only) Query.selectDeleted(table, columns, where) Query.selectArchived(table, columns, where) Query.restoreId(table, id) Query.archiveId(table, id) |
This class perfoms SQL queries on the local database tables
Query.select(table, columns, where, orderby)
Performs a SQL select query on a table, returns all the rows matching the where clause and ordered by orderby
- table (string) is the name of the table in the format appid.tablename. If appid is ommitted it uses the currently loaded application id.
- columns (string) defines the column names to be returned, separated by a ; column1;column2;column3;.... or use "*" to return all columns
- where (string) is a contains a SQL where clause. A null or empty string will return all rows in the table
- ordebry (string) is the SQL orderby clause, containing the column name and the optionla DESC modifier.
- The return value is array of javascript objects, each object containing property matching the column name.
Config.tables["tasks"] = "id;name;status INTEGER;price REAL;date DATE"; ... var allTasks = Query.select("tasks", "id;name;status;date", null, "date DESC"); var openTasks = Query.select("tasks", "id;name;status;date", "status=0", "name"); var today = Date.now(); var overdueTasks = Query.select("tasks", "id;name;status;date", "status=0 AND date<{today}", "name");
Query.selectId(table, id)
Return one unique javascript object matching the primary id (string) for the table or null if none exists. It returns all columns valuesConfig.tables["mytable"] = "id;name;date DATE"; ... var lead = Query.selectId("mytable", id); if (lead != null) { // you can use lead.id, lead.name, lead.date } ...
Query.count(table, where)
Returns the number of records matching the where (string) clause for the table.Query.insert(table, values)
Insert a new record into table and fill in its columns with the values javascript object.
Each property of the values object must corresponds to a column name.
Returns the primary key id (string) of the inserted record.
Config.tables["leads"] = "id;name;date DATE" ... var id = Query.insert("leads", {name:"John", date:Date.now()}); var id = Query.insert("leads", {});
Query.updateId(table, id, column, value)
Update one record, identified by its primary key id from table by setting the column name value.var lead = Query.selectId("leads", leadid); var onchange = "Query.updateId('leads',{leadid},this.id,this.value)"; List.addTextBox("name", "Lead Name", lead.name, onchange);
Query.update(table, values, where)
Update all records matching the where clause be settings their values using the values javascript object.Query.deleteId(table, id)
Deletes one record identfied by its primary key id from table
Query.deleteId("leads", leadid); History.back();
Query.deleteWhere(table, where)
Deletes all records matching the where clause from table;Query.options(table, where)
Convenience method returning a string corrected formatted containing all id, name value pairs matching the where clause from table. The returned value is designed to be used with the List.addComboBox() or List.addComboBoxMulti() methods
Config.tables["groups"] = "id;name"; Config.tables["leads"] = "id;name;groupid"; .... var lead = Query.selectId("leads", leadid); var onchange = "Query.updateId('leads',{lead.id},this.id,this.value)"; List.addComboBox("groupid", "Lead Group", lead.groupid, onchange, Query.options("groups"));
Query.names(table, id)
Convenience method returning the value of the name column macthing the records identified by the id primary key from table.
Config.tables["groups"] = "id;name"; Config.tables["leads"] = "id;name;groupid"; .... var lead = Query.selectId("leads", leadid); List.addItemLabel("Lead Group", Query.names("groups", lead.id));
Query.search(table, search, columns, where)
Performs a full text search on the requested columns and returns all mathcing rows
- table (string) is the name of the table in the format appid.tablename. If appid is ommitted it uses the currently loaded application id.
- search (string) the search string to search
- columns (string) defines the column names to be searched, separated by a ; column1;column2;column3
- where (string) is a contains a SQL where clause to restrict the search
- The return value is array of javascript objects
Config.tables["tasks"] = "id;name;status INTEGER;price REAL;date DATE"; Config.onsearch = "mySearchFunction"; function mySearchFunction(str) { var where = "status=1"; var items = Query.search("tasks", str, "name;price", where); .... }
Query.restoreId(table, id)
Restored one previously deleted record identfied by its primary key id from table.
Query.restoreId("leads", leadid);
Query.archiveId(table, id)
Archive one record identfied by its primary key id from table.
Query.archiveId("leads", leadid);